Deputy District Judge Tim Spruce should hang his head in shame!

This has made me so very, very angry. The “Justice System” in this country is an absolute disgrace!

Deputy District Judge Tim Spruce should hang his head in shame!

We are talking about the death of a woman here. Not only that, a pregnant one and we are still thinking about the perpetrator and how he is feeling! Who the hell gives a damn about him or what he is thinking because I sure as hell don’t!

How on God’s earth can Emma Bennett’s family ever have closure on what has happened?

How is this giving confidence to others who want to speak out. Don’t you see all this has a huge influence on everything! It sends the wrong, completely the wrong message out to perpetrators and tells victims it just doesn’t matter about them.

I am absolutely fuming at this, I really am!

Judge Spruce described the attack as “unpredictable, but with devastating consequences”.

Unpredictable, don’t be so damn absurd! He was in control all the time, just used his dangerous dog as a weapon.

Prosecutors said he told one woman “shut it or I’ll set the dog on you”, and told another, who was pregnant, “What you looking at? Wait until I get the dog and see if you continue looking at me like that.” <<< This tells me he was in control all the time, why couldn't Deputy District Judge Tim Spruce see that either!

I am absolutely appalled at this, I just don't see how we are moving forward at all where domestic abuse is concerned, it's just ludicrously ridiculous.

Horner was banned from keeping dogs for life and ordered to pay £800 costs. <<< This is the "Justice" that Emma's family have got and what Emma's life was worth.

I am sad, upset, angry and so, so appalled at this.

He added: "You must live for the rest of his life with the torment of bearing the responsibility for Emma's death." <<< Of course he won't live with this for the rest of his life. He obviously hates women!

You have let this article literally get away with murder knowing he is capable of killing again.

Deputy District Judge Tim Spruce should hang your head in shame because if this happens again, the blood will be on your hands.

Words just fail me.

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